Parish Groups

There are a number of groups at Our Lady and St. John. For further information about any of our Parish groups a booklet is available at Our church which includes further contact information. Click on a heading to view information and click again to close.

Altar Servers

Boys and girls from the age of 9 years, who have made their first Holy Communion, are welcome to serve on the altar at all masses.
For more information please contact the Parish Priest.

Association for the Propagation of Faith and St. Joseph's Missionary Society - Mill Hill (A.P.F. - Mill Hill)

Parishioners have red collecting boxes in their own homes, emptied at regular intervals. The money collected is divided between the A.P.F. and Mill Hill. The A.P.F. share is distributed to all mission dioceses of the world according to their needs. The Mill Hill Missionary Society, enabling it to send out priests and brothers to the missions.
For more information please contact Ian Butler.

Bereavement Support Group

This group exists to provide support and friendship during bereavement. Anyone in need of help is invited to contact us to receive a visit and/or additional support. There is a list of members on the notice board at the back of Church.
For more information please contact the Parish Priest.

Book Group

We are a small group of ladies who meet to discuss literature and we always welcome new members. Our meetings will be in the new parish meeting room at 8pm on the second Thursday of each month.


Children are prepared from the age of 7 for their First Confession and First Holy Communion, young people from the age of 12+ for Confirmation and adults received into the Church. In discussing the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, topics are covered such as basic prayers, why we need to pray, why we need to be forgiven, what is grace, the difference between the Eucharist and other breads, our closeness to Jesus in receiving Communion. In the Sacrament of Confirmation subjects are discussed such as attaining maturity as a Christian, the gift of the Holy Spirit, how to face up to the demands of living a Christian life, involvement-to-serve. For adults an explanation is given into what is involved in being part of the Catholic Church, what are the Sacraments, what is the Mass, the Rosary, and how our parish works.
For more information please contact Pat Miserotti.

Catholic Children's Society

The Society, which is a registered charity, has been working with children and families in the community since 1889. From its office in Prenton, the Shrewsbury Diocesan branch provides a range of services, including family support, post-adoption counselling, home visiting, work with schools and the development of community initiatives. Parishioners who wish to provide regular and much needed support for the work of the society, may have a collecting box at home, (brought to church to be emptied twice a year) or set up formal arrangements with their bank.
For more information please contact Jill McKenzie or Beth Bowman.

Children's Liturgy

There are two liturgy groups during term time for children attending 11.15am Mass. The groups are divided by age. Children are welcome to attend the liturgy during mass.
For more information please contact Kathleen Healey or Rachel Belderbos.


At present there are about 14 members; 6 sopranos, 6 altos, 1 tenor and 1 bass and organist Peter Fishwick. The choir sings at 11.15 am Mass each Sunday from the beginning of September until the end of July. Our parish choir is also available for weddings, funerals and other occasions if required. New members, particularly tenors and basses, and anyone with a singing voice willing to give commitment to the choir will be welcome. There are no auditions – just enthusiasm!
For information please contact Dolores Carter.

Church Cleaners

Volunteers for church cleaners meet each week to clean the church after morning Mass on Fridays. They vacuum, dust, sweep etc according to needs. Volunteers usually agree on jobs to do and stay for about 45 minutes to an hour. It’s a helpful way to meet people and it’s great to see the church looking good.
If you would like to join us please email the parish website with an enquiry.

Planned Giving / Gift Aid

For more information please contact Bernard Larkin on 0151-342-5517.

If you completed a Gift Aid form in the past and you no longer pay any tax please contact Bernard Larkin. This also applies if the amount of tax you pay may be less than the amount we will seek to reclaim on your Offertory gift.

Flower Arrangements

The group meets from time to time to plan flower arrangements for the major celebrations – Easter, Christmas, First Communions and Remembrance Sunday etc. If you are interested in helping – no experience necessary – or you want to discuss flowers for a wedding, funeral or other occasion – please ring Veronica Clarke.

Piety Stall

Open after each Mass for the sale of cards, rosary beads, statues etc. Our parish will always try to cater for special orders. Cards are available at all times at the back of church. There is a box in the Sacristy door for the money.
For more information please contact Jean Edwards.

Prayer Group

The prayer group meet on Monday at 2p.m. and always say a special Rosary for all priests. There is a book in church, in front of the statue of the Sacred Heart, where anyone can write a special intention to place before the Lord. All the names in the book are prayed for and they will also pray for any special need brought to their attention.
For more information please contact Margaret Stanley.

Rosary Group

The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a popular devotion among many parishioners, who try to respond to Our Lady's repeated requests to recite the Rosary daily. It has become a tradition to commence each year with recitation of five decades of the Rosary, following Mass on January 1st and five decades are prayed by approximately 20 people after the Mass each Thursday, led by various members of the parish. Every weekday during the month of May, the Rosary is prayed in church after Mass. During October, the month of the Holy Rosary, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, which is normally housed in the sacristy, is made welcome in many homes throughout the parish. The Rosary is prayed daily before this image in these homes. It is also prayed during the October Holy Hour, which usually falls on the last Sunday in October.
For more information please contact Joan Gibson.

Society of St Vincent de Paul (S.V.P.)

The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in France in 1833, and spread throughout Europe, coming to England in 1844. The first meeting of the SVP at Holy Cross took place on 4 May 1930. The group has continued to the present day, its main activities being to offer help and support to the poor and needy members of our local community.
For more information please contact Peter Ryan.

Union of Catholic Mothers (U.C.M.)

The UCM is a national organisation of women which meets at Notional Council yearly, at Diocesan level twice a year and at parish (Foundation) level twice a month. Our foundation meets in the Lower Sacristy on the first and third Thursday of the month at 8.00 p.m. All ladies of the parish are welcome – do not be put off by the name. You do not have to be a mother to join us, just in tune with our aims. Our varied programme includes talks, walks, crafts, charity work and social activities. At national level the UCM is committed to Justice and Peace, Public Service, Welfare, the Media, Ecumenism and International Affairs. It is linked with many other National and International Women’s Organisations. The UCM come together in prayer and praise, support and solidarity, care and concern, campaigns and causes and very importantly, friendship and fun.
For more information about our parish foundation level UCM please contact Joan Larkin or Tricia Binns.
For more information about the national organisation please see

Uniformed Organisations

Brownies: Catering for girls aged 7 to 10 years, there are two Brownie packs, both meetings on Tuesday evening during term-time at the Methodist Church Hall, Seven Acres Lane, Thingwall, from 6.30 pm to 8pm, for a wide range of activities. Both packs meet together at the moment because there are only 3 guiders. Anyone who would like to know more about Brownie packs, or becoming a Brownie/ Rainbow/ Guide guider, please come along one Tuesday and to see a leader during the meeting.
For more information please contact Eileen Gough.


Beavers/Cubs/Scouts: 3rd Heswall Scout Group has Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sections. Older Scouts go to the District Explorer unit. The Group Neckerchief is White and Gold, reflecting their catholic heritage. Please visit their webiste for more information and contact details.

Welcome Ministry

The Welcome Ministry are enthusiastic members of the parish who are encouraging Parish activities such as refreshments after mass and social evenings.