Parish Rotas

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Eucharistic Ministers

Their duties are threefold in nature. First, they take Holy Communion to the sick and to the housebound. This covers both those in their own homes and those in residential and nursing homes. Secondly, they assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at all Masses in church. Thirdly, they may be called upon to lead the Eucharistic Service in the rare event that a priest is unavailable to celebrate Mass during the week.

To view the latest Eucharistic Ministers rota, please click here

Readers' Rota

The team of readers include a number of volunteers to read at all week-end masses on a rota basis.

To view the latest Readers' Rota, please click here.

Church Flowers

The Church Flower's team role is to ensure that co-ordinate the flower arrangements in church.

To view the latest Flower Arranging rota please click the link please click here.

Refreshment Teams

Refreshments are provided for the parish after mass on Sunday.

To view the latest Refreshment teams rota please click here.

Counting Team

The Counting Team is in charge of counting the monies donated from the various offertory collections. To view the latest rota, please click here.

Offertory Procession

To view the latest Offertory Procession rota, please click here.

Bidding Prayers

To view the latest rota, please click here

Church Cleaners Rota

To view the latest Communion rota, please click here.

If a rota update is available please email the website team.

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